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Actuarial Preparation Minor

You will often hear actuaries described as professional risk managers. Actuaries are risk managers in that they asses the likelihood and impact of future, uncertain events. They use their quantitative skills to prepare businesses for the financial impact of the risk to which they are exposed.

Actuaries are professionals because they must meet rigorous standards for admittance to professional societies. Before you can be called an actuary in the United States, you must become an Associate or Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (SOA) or the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS).

For more information, please refer to the Statistics Department's page on actuaries and actuarial preparation.

Minor Coordinator

Name Department Email phone Office
Dr. Kevin Ross Statistics 805-756-5739 25-237

Actuarial Preparation Minor Coursework

Admission to the Actuarial Preparation Minor program requires successful completion of the following classes: ECON 221 or 222; MATH 142 or equivalent; and STAT 252 or 302 or 312 or 313.

Please refer to the catalog for the most up-to-date minor requirements.

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