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Physics Academic Advising

Physics Department

On the Physics Department website you will find information on the Physics B.A. and B.S. majors, faculty and staff, tutoring resources, research projects, and clubs.

Faculty Advising/Mentoring

Faculty take an active role of academic and career advising and mentoring. Physics majors are assigned an advisor at the time of entry to Cal Poly. You are encouraged to meet with your advisor on a regular basis for guidance and support. Please contact the Physics department or the CSM Advising office for the name and contact information of your faculty advisor/mentor.

Credit/No Credit Policy

The physics department allows 4 units of major coursework to be taken CR/NC, but this option cannot be used for any course that has a lab component.

Change of Major Policy and Procedures

Please see the Changing Your Major page for more information on changing your major to Physics.

Curriculum Information and Updates

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